Comprehensive Guide To Life Agent And Advisor Marketing & Sales Training

Agent & Advisor Training
Agent & Advisor Training
After helping 1000+ agents and advisors close more than $39 million in tracked commissions directly from our system, we’ve learned a thing or two about how to close IUL and annuity business.
There’s so much to learn to consistently sell IUL and annuity…
Not only do you need to know what are the best products on the market (and that changes all the time), you need to know how to have a conversation with a prospect that doesn’t make it seem like you’re pushing products (but rather diagnosing a real problem and becoming mutually aware of that problem with your prospect)…
You need to know how to craft a compelling pitch and presentation…
And you need to know underwriting guidelines and suitability standards…
And on top of that, you need to know how to market and attract your ideal clients.
Well, if you’re new on your journey selling IUL, or maybe you’re consistently in the 6-figures, this training below will help you reach your next benchmark (I lay out exactly what you need to do to hit 7-figures).
Start Here: How To Scale from $0
to More Than $1 Million A Year
Start Here: How To Scale from $0 to More Than $1 Million A Year
Want us to help you become a top 1% producer?
Maybe you’ve been selling Final Expense, Mortgage Protection, P&C, Medicare but you’ve been wanting to sell more IUL.
Or maybe you’re experienced selling IUL but you just want to sell more of it.
Whatever camp you fall into, you’re going to need to lead an effective and to-the-point qualification call to collect what we call Minimum Effective Data for your prospect.
What is Minimum Effective Data?
These are the data points that you need to collect to create a compelling presentation that fits like a perfect puzzle piece for your prospect that has them saying, “I need your help solving for more income in retirement.”
In the training below, I walk you through the exact questions you need to be asking so that you can gather the M.E.D. and close more IUL.
Learn How You Can Sell More IUL
Learn How You Can Sell More IUL
Close More IUL With Our Proven Process
Well, suppose you want to consistently close more annuity business instead?
Maybe you even want to become a top 10 or even 1% annuity producer…
If you’re selling annuity (or if you want to be selling more annuity) and you aren’t asking these two questions, you’re definitely missing out on business.
After me and our team having closed more than $1.2 billion in career annuity production over the years, we’ve been able to codify and get clear on what matters if you want to consistently close annuity business.
I put together a video training to answer those exact questions.
Sell More Annuity With These 2 Questions
Sell More Annuity With These 2 Questions
Grow Your Annuity Business with Annuity Attraction Brands
Something most agents don’t think too much about is what is their back-office relationship supposed to accomplish?
I believe that the traditional IMO model (most of the big ones at least) is broken.
I might get in trouble for saying that…
But at the end of the day, as the agent or advisor, you need to drive your production. That’s left up to you…
Is that right?
I’m not sure it is.
I see a future where IMOs actually drive your production and help you achieve your production targets through something I call end-to-end integration.
If you want more information on that concept, take a peek at the video below: