
How To Earn $200k-$700k Per Year Selling IUL


As a life insurance agent, you’re always looking for ways to increase your commissions and close more business. Most growth strategies like buying leads, hiring an IMO or getting into another agent’s downline only result in disappointment at best and wasted money at worst.

But what if I told you there’s a proven way to earn $200k-$700k per year by selling Indexed Universal Life (IUL) insurance?

And what if I could guarantee that you won’t lose a single cent by investing in this process? If that interests you, keep reading!

Because I’ve spent six years perfecting a system that simplifies the process of skyrocketing your commissions into five straightforward steps, in this guide, I’ll reveal the secrets behind the Agent Shift™ program that can transform your career and income potential.

Why Most Lead Generation Systems DON’T WORK For Closing More IUL Business

Why Most Lead Generation Systems DON’T WORK For Closing More IUL Business

Lead generation is the backbone of any successful insurance business. But when it comes to selling more IUL – most lead gen systems simply fail.

That’s because IUL prospects are not like your average leads. They aren’t price-shopping or looking for the best deal. So it’s not enough to just have a list of names…

It’s about connecting with potential clients who genuinely need the products you offer. This connection ensures that you’re not wasting time on uninterested prospects and instead focusing on those who see the value in your solutions.

The Challenge of Sourcing Your Own Leads

The Challenge of Sourcing Your Own Leads

One of the biggest hurdles for agents is sourcing their own leads. This task is particularly daunting for those new to the industry or those without a robust network. High-quality IUL insurance leads are not just sitting around waiting to be found. They require targeted marketing efforts, a solid understanding of the product, and a connection with the potential client’s needs.

In short – It’s not just about quantity but quality.

The Solution? Align Your Marketing with Your Product

The Solution? Align Your Marketing with Your Product

So how do you solve that problem? It’s essential to align your marketing strategies with the IUL products you are selling.

Without this alignment, you risk falling into the trap of a bait and switch, where the lead’s initial interest is based on something entirely different from what you’re offering.

This misalignment can lead to mistrust and ultimately a lost sale. But when you tap into an effective marketing system, you can seamlessly bridge the prospect’s needs with your product offerings, ensuring that your message speaks to their biggest pains and results in closed business.

Common Problems with Current Lead Generation Methods

Common Problems with Current Lead Generation Methods

When agents decide to source their own leads, they can run into all sorts of difficulties.

One challenge is relying on the “cross-selling approach” where you attempt to convert leads from other insurance products, such as mortgage protection or final expense insurance into IUL clients. This approach can lead to plenty of headaches due to the distinct nature of each product and the desires of each specific prospect.

Similarly, sifting through general life insurance leads to find those interested in IUL can feel like hunting for a needle in a haystack.

And what about selling to higher net-worth clients? Without prior experience, this can also be extremely tough, as they need to see the problem clearly before they trust you with their financial planning.

Don’t Fall Into The "Swiss Army Knife" Trap

Don’t Fall Into The "Swiss Army Knife" Trap

Before we expand on the Agent Shift™ program – I need to warn you about a common trap many agents fall into… and that’s positioning IULs as a “Swiss Army Knife” or multifaceted tool with a wide array of benefits.

While this approach may seem like a smart decision on its face – it actually decreases your effectiveness at positioning IULs as a way to generate income VS just another insurance product. 


To maximize your success selling more IUL business, it’s crucial to focus on what IULs do best, which is providing tax-free income in retirement.

This will not only help you secure the position as your prospect’s “trusted financial advisor” but it also allows you to tailor your marketing and sales efforts more effectively.

Resulting in the ability to attract better leads, offer better products and earn more income! 

Two Paths & Two Shifts

Two Paths & Two Shifts

Ok, so I’m sure you’re wondering – “What is Agent Shift and how does it help me earn $200k-$700k per year selling IUL?”

In short, Agent Shift™ is an end-to-end sales and marketing system that removes the mystery from becoming a top-producing agent and supports you with coaching, leads and case design.

It’s the result of over a decade of experience selling IUL, producing hundreds of millions in IUL and annuity business and coaching 1000+ other agents to become top producers.

But let’s dig into the details. There are two tracks available in the Agent Shift™ program:

Agent Shift™ & Agent Shift+™

Agent Shift™ & Agent Shift+™

Agent Shift™

This is our flagship program designed for agents and advisors that either have:

  1. Not sold IUL and annuity before
  2. Are not predictably selling more than 10k per month
  3. Have a great book of existing business to tap into


For agents who choose to enroll in Agent Shift™ – our “Practice To Profit model” shows them how to make their first or next $24k selling IUL without paying for expensive marketing or lead generation services.

Real Results In Agent Shift™


Agent Shift+™

This is the next evolution of the program for agents and advisors selling more than $10k per month in IUL.

In Agent Shift+™, we guarantee a 3x ROI and help agents:

  • Attract more qualified and educated prospects through integrated marketing systems
  • Empower agents to track and nurture leads through a proprietary InsureMore CRM
  • And guarantee they close business through proven sales processes and case design by top 1% producers

What Is The “Shift”?

In a moment, you’re going to see the 5 steps that will guide you to success in Agent Shift™ or Agent Shift+™…

But first, here is the reason we call it “Agent Shift™” – We discovered early on that in order for an agent to achieve massive success selling IUL they had to make two specific shifts:

Identity Shift

What does an identity shift mean? It means agents need to think of themselves and their role differently – so they can show up differently for your prospect.

Instead of being a “Life Insurance Agent” – folks need to sell and act like a “Retirement Income Professional.” That’s the first shift to earning the commissions that you want.

Offer Shift

The second shift is an offer shift. Agents need to stop selling insurance as the solution and start selling retirement income as the solution.

By selling retirement income, agents can position their products as something that benefits and builds wealth for their prospects rather than something that’s an expense or a “just in case” item.

This is how you become their trusted expert and hear your prospects say things like “how come my financial planner never told me about this?”

This offer shift is exactly why we can teach you how to go and profit off your warm market, even if you burned through them in the past.

How We Guide You To Success

How We Guide You To Success


Step 1: You + Our Team Strategize ​

Step 1: You + Our Team Strategize ​

When you partner with us, we prioritize your individual goals and tailor our approach to meet your unique needs. Our initial meeting is more than just a consultation – it’s an in-depth discussion where we truly seek to understand your objectives and challenges. Here’s what you can expect:

  1. Goal Alignment: We take the time to understand your specific goals, whether it’s boosting your commissions, attracting better/more leads, working less hours, etc, we’re on your side.
  2. Result Guarantee: We assess whether we can guarantee your results. Unlike traditional programs that focus on leads or appointments, our focus is on what really matters to you: the return on investment (ROI). We aim to ensure that the dollars you invest yield significant returns.
  3. Customized Program Direction: Based on our discussion and mutual agreement, we direct you to the program that will most benefit you. This recommendation is grounded in your experience level and the specific outcomes you wish to achieve.

Explore The Two Proven Paths To Success

Explore The Two Proven Paths To Success

Depending on where you currently stand in your career and where you aim to go, we offer three distinct paths tailored to maximize your success in selling IUL and annuity products. Each path is designed to meet different levels of experience and production goals:


Path 1: < $100k Per Year Selling IUL and Annuity

Program: Agent Shift™

If you are currently making less than $100k per year in IULsales, the Agent Shift™ program is designed for you. This program helps you stop wasting money on expensive advertising and instead use the Practice To Profit model. This proven model enables you to close your first (or next) $24k in IUL commissions without the hefty costs associated with traditional marketing.

Path 2: > $100k Per Year Selling IUL and Annuity

Program: Agent Shift +™

For those already earning more than $100k annually from IUL sales, the Agent Shift +™ program takes your success to the next level. This advanced program brings in 25-50 qualified and educated prospects each month, allowing you to leverage the proven Retirement Income Sales System. With this system, you can close five additional IUL deals every month, significantly boosting your income and expanding your client base.

Each of these pathways is crafted to provide you with the support, tools, and strategies needed to meet and exceed your career goals. By aligning our programs with your experience and aspirations, we ensure that you have the best possible chance of success in the competitive world of IUL and annuity sales.

Step 2: Hit The Road Running

Step 2: Hit The Road Running

When you partner with Jucebox to increase your IUL insurance leads and sales, we ensure you hit the road running by equipping you with the tools, training, and community support you need to achieve your goals fast.

This step is crucial for setting the foundation for your success and transforming the way you approach your insurance sales.


Meet with Your Client Success Advisor

Your journey begins with a meeting with your Client Success Advisor. This dedicated advisor will help you gain access to our comprehensive training programs and supportive community. They’ll also provide you with clear direction on where to start and how to achieve your goals as quickly as possible, because, as we like to say, “money loves speed.”

Agent Shift™

Step 2 – Understanding Your Offer Shift

For those enrolled in the Agent Shift™ program, your first week will be focused on deeply understanding your Offer Shift.

This is a transformative step where you learn to move from being just a life insurance agent to becoming a Retirement Income Professional. This shift is crucial for changing the conversation with your prospects. Instead of hearing, “I need to think about it,” you will start hearing, “Can you do an application for me?”

This immediate shift in dialogue is the result of a well-understood and articulated offer that addresses the specific needs of your clients.

Agent Shift +™

Step 2 – Practice To Profit With The Success Path

For those in the Agent Shift +™ program, the first week is designed to immerse you in the Success Path, which has been proven to accelerate your results. During this week, you will learn how to make your offer so compelling that prospects will start asking you to complete applications for them, rather than requesting more information and delaying decisions.

The key goal here is to double your investment in Agent Shift +™ even before your marketing efforts begin in full swing.

Key Differences Between Agent Shift™ and Agent Shift +™

  • Offer Shift Focus: The Agent Shift™ program centers on understanding and implementing your Offer Shift. This foundational change in how you present your services is designed to help you move past the common objections and start closing deals faster.
  • Success Path Model: The Agent Shift +™ program goes a step further by incorporating the Success Path model. This approach is not only about understanding your offer but also generating more immediate income. This means by the end of your first week, you should already be seeing significant progress towards doubling your investment.


Both programs ensure you start strong, but Agent Shift +™ provides an intensified focus on immediate profitability and scaling your results quickly. This makes it ideal for those who are ready to rapidly accelerate their success and achieve higher income levels.

By the end of the first week in either program, you’ll be on a clear path to achieving your financial goals. With dedicated support and a proven system, you’ll find yourself well-equipped to transform cold leads into applications and prospects into clients, setting the stage for substantial and sustainable growth in your IUL sales.

Step 3: Fill Your Pipeline

Step 3: Fill Your Pipeline

Filling your pipeline with high-quality leads is a critical step in achieving consistent and predictable scale. Our programs, Agent Shift™ and Agent Shift +™, are each designed to help you do this in effective and unique ways that are tailored to your level of experience and goals.

Agent Shift™

Step 3 – Creating Your Own Demand

In the Agent Shift™ program, we focus on empowering you to create your own demand. This step is all about understanding that you’re not just selling insurance anymore; you’re selling retirement income. This shift allows you to make a compelling offer to various types of leads, including warm market, cold market, and hot market leads.

When agents and advisors grasp this Offer Shift and apply our Practice-to-profit model, they find that IUL and annuity deals start landing in their laps. 

We speed up the process by providing you with the strategies and tools to identify and approach your next three clients effectively. This proactive approach ensures that you’re always moving forward, generating your own demand, and closing more deals.

Agent Shift +™

Step 3 – We Build Your Funnel

For those enrolled in the Agent Shift +™ program, we take pipeline filling to the next level by leveraging advanced technology and proven systems. This step involves setting up a unique and exclusive prospecting system for you, using cutting-edge AI and a proven process for generating exclusive, ready-to-buy prospects.

With Agent Shift +™, you don’t have to worry about handling the marketing yourself. We take care of it all, ensuring that the leads coming your way are already aware of their retirement problems and are seeking your expertise to solve them.

This hands-off approach to marketing allows you to focus on what you do best—closing deals and serving your clients.

Key Differences Between Agent Shift™ and Agent Shift +™

  • Creating Demand vs. Automated Funnel: In Agent Shift™, you learn to create demand by understanding and leveraging your new Offer Shift. This active engagement with your market helps you find and convert leads. In contrast, Agent Shift +™ provides an automated solution where we build and manage your marketing funnel, delivering prospects who are primed and ready to engage.
  • Hands-On vs. Hands-Off Marketing: Agent Shift™ requires you to actively engage with your leads, giving you the skills to consistently generate your own demand. On the other hand, Agent Shift +™ offers a hands-off marketing approach, where our systems ensure you have a steady flow of high-quality prospects without you having to lift a finger.


By following these tailored approaches, both programs ensure that your pipeline is always full, but Agent Shift +™ offers a more automated and sophisticated method, ideal for those looking to scale quickly and focus solely on client interactions and closing deals.

In either program, filling your pipeline with the right leads is a guaranteed path to increasing your commissions and achieving your financial goals. With our support and proven methods, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a top producer in the IUL market.

Step 4: Scale your Sales

Step 4: Scale your Sales


Scaling your sales is the next crucial step in your journey to becoming a top producer. Our programs offer distinct pathways to help you achieve this, each tailored to your experience level and growth ambitions.

Agent Shift™

Step 4 – Now You’re Ready for Scale

In the Agent Shift™ program, Step 4 is all about scaling up. By now, you’ve doubled your initial investment and fully understood the Offer Shift. Now you’re ready to take the next big leap and join the ranks of the top 10% producers.

With the foundational skills and strategies you’ve acquired, you’re prepared to move to Agent Shift +™ or even the Annuity Attraction Brands™. These advanced programs will help you see a steady stream of 25-50 qualified and educated prospects each month, allowing you to start earning like a doctor in a fraction of the time. This step marks your transition from a proficient agent to a high-performing, top-tier producer.

Agent Shift +™

Step 4 – You Connect With Qualified IUL & Annuity Prospects Daily

For those in the Agent Shift +™ program, scaling your sales is streamlined and efficient. Here, you don’t just scale up—you scale smart. We set up exclusive marketing campaigns specifically tailored to you, ensuring that qualified prospects reach out daily, seeking your expertise to set up a Tax-Free Retirement Account (TFRA).

This means you no longer have to compete with multiple agents calling the same leads. Our targeted campaigns ensure that your prospects are not being bombarded by calls from 10 different agents or advisors, reducing the risk of ghosting and increasing your chances of closing deals.

You can sit back and focus on what you do best—consulting and closing deals—while we handle the heavy lifting of marketing and lead generation.

Key Differences Between Agent Shift™ and Agent Shift +™

  • Scaling Up vs. Scaling Smart: In Agent Shift™, you learn the foundational skills to scale your business and prepare for advanced programs like Agent Shift +™ or Annuity Attraction Brands™. This prepares you to handle an influx of high-quality leads. Agent Shift +™, however, offers a more sophisticated and automated approach, providing you with daily qualified prospects ready to engage.
  • Active Engagement vs. Automated Leads: Agent Shift™ empowers you to actively scale your sales by leveraging your improved offer and understanding of the market. In contrast, Agent Shift +™ automates the lead generation process, ensuring a consistent flow of exclusive prospects directly to you, allowing you to focus solely on closing deals and growing your business.


Both programs are designed to help you scale your sales effectively, but Agent Shift +™ provides a seamless, automated experience ideal for agents looking to maximize their time and efforts. By choosing the program that fits your current stage, you’ll be well-equipped to achieve unprecedented growth and success in the IUL and annuity market.

Step 5: Coaching From $100M Producers

Step 5: Coaching From $100M Producers


Coaching and accountability are pivotal in transforming your sales process and ensuring continuous growth. Both Agent Shift™ and Agent Shift +™ provide elite coaching from industry leaders who’ve written hundreds of millions in production, but with unique features tailored to different stages of your career.

Agent Shift™

Step 5 – Accountability, Coaching, & Case Design

In the Agent Shift™ program, you receive robust support designed to keep you on track and maximize your success. This includes:

  • Six Live Weekly Coaching Calls: These sessions are designed to ensure you stay focused and aligned with your goals. Regular check-ins with our team of expert coaches help you stay motivated and provide an opportunity to address any challenges as they arise.
  • Reviews of Key Metrics: To ensure you’re on the right path, we conduct regular reviews of your key performance metrics. This helps identify areas of improvement and ensures that you’re on track to win!
  • Sales Coaching from a $700 Million Career Annuity Producer: Gain insights, and the tactical edge from a seasoned expert who has achieved unprecedented success. This invaluable guidance will help you refine your sales techniques and close more deals.
  • Case Design Support: Receive personalized support from multi-million dollar producers, who will assist you in designing cases that maximize profitability and thrill your prospects. We’ll ensure you’re well-equipped to handle the complex needs of your client to close more business.

Agent Shift +™

Step 5 – Accountability, Coaching, & Case Design

For those enrolled in the Agent Shift +™ program, the coaching and support are enhanced to match the advanced level of the program:

  • Six Live Weekly Coaching Calls: Just like in Agent Shift™, you’ll participate in six live coaching sessions each week. These calls are crucial for maintaining momentum and ensuring you’re implementing the strategies effectively.
  • Reviews of Key Metrics: Continuous monitoring of your performance metrics helps you stay on course. These reviews are critical for making data-driven decisions and optimizing your approach to sales.
  • Sales Coaching from a $700 Million Career Annuity Producer: Gain insights, and the tactical edge from a seasoned expert who has achieved unprecedented success. This invaluable guidance will help you refine your sales techniques and close more deals.
  • Case Design Support: Receive personalized support from multi-million dollar producers, who will assist you in designing cases that maximize profitability and thrill your prospects. We’ll ensure you’re well-equipped to handle the complex needs of your client to close more business.

Key Differences Between Agent Shift™ and Agent Shift +™

  • Level of Support: Agent Shift +™ offers additional layers of support and accountability, making it ideal for agents who are ready to scale rapidly and handle a larger, more sophisticated client base.


By participating in these coaching programs, you gain access to industry-leading expertise and personalized support that can significantly increase your production and income Whether you’re just starting or looking to scale your business, these programs are designed to provide the guidance and accountability needed to achieve exceptional results.

Step 6: Profit. Profit. Profit

Step 6: Profit. Profit. Profit

The ultimate goal of any sales program is to maximize profitability and ensure long-term financial success. Both Agent Shift™ and Agent Shift +™ are designed to help you sustainably and predictably increase your income, but they cater to different stages of your career.

Agent Shift™

Step 6 – Achieving Your First (or Next) $24k and Scaling Up

For those just starting out or looking to make their next big leap in earnings, Agent Shift™ provides a clear, actionable path:

  • Earn Your First (or Next) $24k: The program is structured to help you quickly earn your first or next $24,000 in commissions from selling IUL. This initial success is crucial for building confidence and proving the effectiveness of the strategies you’ve learned.
  • Prepare to Scale Into the Top 10% of Producers: Once you’ve achieved your initial earnings goal, Agent Shift™ prepares you to scale up your business. The training, support, and strategies provided are designed to help you move into the top 10% of producers, ensuring you’re well-equipped to handle increased business.

Agent Shift +™

Step 6 – Catapulting Yourself Into the Top 10% of Producers

For agents who already produce six figures and are ready to take their earnings to the next level, Agent Shift +™ offers advanced strategies and support:

  • Catapult Yourself Into the Top 10% of Producers: Agent Shift +™ is all about accelerating your success. The program provides the tools and support needed to rapidly scale your business and achieve top producer status. By leveraging advanced marketing techniques, exclusive leads, and high-level coaching, you’ll be positioned to earn like a top producer.
  • Earn More Than A Doctor: With Agent Shift +™, you’re not just aiming for incremental gains; you’re setting your sights on out-earning the doctor up the road. With exclusive, high-intent leads and efficient closing techniques, we ensure you can achieve substantial income in a relatively short period.

Key Differences Between Agent Shift™ and Agent Shift +™

  • Initial Earnings vs. Rapid Scaling: Agent Shift™ is ideal for those looking to make their first (or next) $24k in commissions selling IULs, and build a strong foundation for future growth. In contrast, Agent Shift +™ is designed for agents ready to rapidly scale their business and achieve top producer status.
  • Focus on Scaling: While both programs aim to increase profitability, Agent Shift +™ places a stronger emphasis on quickly moving into the top 10% of producers and achieving high-level earnings comparable to those of top professionals in other fields.


By participating in these programs, you’re not just learning how to sell; you’re learning how to build a highly profitable, sustainable business. Whether you’re taking your first steps towards significantly increasing your income or ready to catapult into the top 10% of producers, these programs provide the roadmap and support needed to achieve and exceed your financial goals.

What’s Next?

What’s Next?

Let’s recap! You’ve seen that the best way for any agent to become a top producer is to make two shifts:

Identity Shift

Instead of being a “Life Insurance Agent” – sell and act like a “Retirement Income Professional.”

Offer Shift

Stop selling insurance as the solution and start selling retirement income as the solution.

We’ve shown you our Agent Shift™ and Agent Shift +™ programs and broken down the key differences between the two…

So what’s left now?

It’s time to choose which is right for you!

Which Path Is Right For You?

Which Path Is Right For You?

Agent Shift™

The Agent Shift™ program is designed for life insurance agents who are ready to transform their career and start earning more commissions without spending a dime on expensive marketing or buying leads. This program is ideal for agents who:

  1. Are New to Selling IUL and Annuities: If you have not yet sold IUL or if your sales have been inconsistent, Agent Shift™ provides the foundational training and support you need to make your first or next $24k in commissions.
  2. Have a Strong Existing Client Base: If you already have a book of business but haven’t tapped into the potential of IULs, this program will teach you how to leverage your current relationships and transition your clients to these higher-value products.
  3. Are Looking for a Proven System: Agent Shift™ offers a structured approach with the Practice to Profit model, helping you understand and implement effective sales strategies that turn prospects into clients quickly.
  4. Desire to Increase Their Income Without Additional Marketing Spend: The program is perfect for agents who want to increase their income by making the most of their existing network and resources, rather than pouring money into uncertain marketing efforts.


Agent Shift +™

Agent Shift +™ is tailored for more experienced agents who are already generating significant income from IUL sales but are looking to scale their business to the next level. This advanced program is suitable for agents who:

  1. Consistently Earn Over $100k Per Year: If you’re already seeing success selling IULs and want to pour gasoline on your results, Agent Shift +™ will provide the tools and strategies to catapult you into the top 10% of producers.
  2. Want to Leverage Advanced Marketing Techniques: This program introduces cutting-edge AI and proven processes to generate exclusive, ready-to-buy prospects. You’ll benefit from a custom-built funnel that brings in high-intent leads without having to touch the marketing yourself.
  3. Aim to Become Top 1% Producers: For agents aspiring to be among the elite, Agent Shift +™ offers the systems and support to help you scale your business significantly. You’ll learn how to handle a larger volume of qualified prospects, enabling you to close more deals and outearn a doctor.
  4. Seek Comprehensive Support and Accountability: With Agent Shift +™, you’ll receive ongoing coaching and case design support from industry experts and a $700 million producer. This ensures you stay on track and continually refine your approach to maximize profitability.

Generate High-Intent IUL Leads And Increase Your Income

Generate High-Intent IUL Leads And Increase Your Income

No matter which path you choose, we’re going to help you generate more high-Intent IUL leads and increase your income.

Over the years, we’ve helped over a thousand clients earn a staggering $39 million in tracked commissions by investing millions of dollars in advertising, leveraging advanced AI technology and refining our lead generation processes.

And of course, our InsureMor CRM is an integral part of this success, offering features that streamline the entire process from lead generation to deal closing.

Pre-qualified leads will self-book appointments directly onto your calendar, and our InsureMor CRM keeps prospects engaged with automated messages and alerts from booking to deal closing.

If leads hesitate to book immediately, our automated follow-up campaigns use email and SMS texts to keep you top of mind, moving prospects to a point where they are eager to schedule an appointment.

Even if no-shows occur, InsureMor CRM minimizes the impact with tailored automations reminding prospects why they booked, encouraging them to rebook if they miss the initial appointment.

This lets you focus on high-leverage tasks like taking calls, building cases, and nurturing relationships.

What’s Next?

What’s Next?

Let’s recap! You’ve seen that the best way for any agent to become a top producer is to make two shifts:

Identity Shift

Instead of being a “Life Insurance Agent” – sell and act like a “Retirement Income Professional.”

Offer Shift

Stop selling insurance as the solution and start selling retirement income as the solution.

We’ve shown you our Agent Shift™ and Agent Shift +™ programs and broken down the key differences between the two…

So what’s left now?

It’s time to choose which is right for you!

Ready To Make The Shift?

Ready To Make The Shift?

We help agents and advisors transition from being just life agents to becoming Retirement Income Professionals who help their clients earn retirement income.

These shifts allow you to consistently write more business and our proven sales system accelerates your success.

Here’s a snapshot of what you get when you join Agent Shift™:

  • Copy & Paste Sales System
  • Proven Sales Scripts for Cold, Warm, and Hot Leads
  • Our Retirement Income Forecaster that does 90% of the work for you
  • Lead Sourcing Playbook (source and set appointments without spending money on marketing)
  • AI-Driven Advertising Funnel for Converting Cold Leads
  • Retirement Income Professional Academy
  • Identity shift training to acquire the expertise that earns you the business
  • Product and Sales Mastery Courses
  • $700 Million Dollar Mentorship, Accountability & Coaching

Ready to become a top producer and earn $200k-$700k Per Year Selling IUL?

Book a call with our team to learn more about Agent Shift™!