
Insurance Community

Mentorship, Coaching And Strategy With Multi Million Dollar Producers


There’s a big problem with the insurance industry… Everyone feels alone, unsupported and in competition with their peers. 

I’m sure you’ve felt it before. We sure have. That’s why building a community where life agents connect, learn, grow and thrive has always been a main pillar of our work.

Especially when you consider that 92% of new life agents will give up and move on to a new industry within their first year…

Or that most agents will never get close to breaking 6-figures…

We’re committed to helping more life agents become top 1% producers. In fact, it’s a part of our mission statement:

Now, if you’re an agent who’s been around the block – you might be suspicious…

And we don’t blame you. We’ve seen the forums where agents or coaches act like they care just to get you in their downline or sell you something…

And worse, we’ve seen how many times folks are let down by putting their trust in those people.

That’s why we always lead by giving away an enormous amount of free value upfront and guaranteeing results for the agents who decide to take the next step and work with us.

If you want a taste of the training, tools and mentorship we provide, you can join our free insurance community here!

Human nature craves community and support. And it’s no wonder why – history has proven that. No one who wants to achieve massive success will get there alone (including top-producing agents).

If you’re on the fence about joining an insurance community, keep reading…

We’re going to dig into what makes the community our clients get access to when they join our flagship insurance sales, marketing and coaching program stand out.

But first, we should take a look at WHY the other options aren’t working very well for most agents…

But if you want a look at the community our clients get access to when they join our flagship insurance sales, marketing and coaching program, keep reading! 

The Problem With Most Insurance Downlines

The Problem With Most Insurance Downlines

One common way to get support is joining a life insurance agent’s downline. But that comes with its fair share of challenges.

For starters, the person you’re teaming up with might have little experience selling the same products you’re now interested in. This knowledge gap can hurt your training and development since they don’t have the necessary expertise to mentor you.

Plus, most agents are crazy busy running their own show, leaving little time to give you the hands-on training you need to thrive. 

And let’s be honest, in a downline setup, you could feel like just another cog in the machine – easily replaceable if things don’t work out. 

That lack of investment in your growth can leave you feeling like you’re not getting the support you need to reach your full potential.

The Problem With Most Insurance Masterminds

The Problem With Most Insurance Masterminds

Another common way life agents look for support is to join masterminds. While these might seem like the golden ticket to success, there are some pitfalls to watch out for.

For starters, the leader might not be experienced in the specific niche or market you’re targeting, making their advice less relevant to your situation.

Additionally, these masterminds are often overly costly. Charging tens of thousands to meet a few times a month or even a year. If you’re not careful, you could end up shelling out big bucks for sporadic and generic advice that doesn’t move the needle for your business.

Plus, many times these masterminds focus more on selling you the dream rather than providing practical strategies and support.

Overall, while masterminds can offer valuable networking opportunities and insights, they’re not without their drawbacks, and it’s essential to weigh the pros and cons before diving in headfirst.

The Problem With One-On-One Coaching

The Problem With One-On-One Coaching

We’ll be honest, one-on-one coaching can be a fantastic option – IF you can afford it. That’s a big if…

Because there are two tiers of coaching – If they charge a reasonable amount, that’s rarely going to get you the focus and support of a top producer capable of transferring their knowledge and experience to your situation. 

But if you’re willing to pay-to-play, you can certainly experience incredible results. We say that from experience because the coaching agents in our program have invested hundreds of thousands in mentorship just like this. 

The Problem With Free Communities

The Problem With Free Communities

On the flip side, you can always take advantage of free resources and free life insurance communities on Facebook or like our free Advanced Market Life Agents group.

These resources can do a fantastic job helping you get started, acquire a foundation or learn some new skills – but they do come with their own limitations.

While the risk of investment is virtually non-existent (if you don’t count the value of investing your time)… they can come with their own set of pitfalls.

Firstly, the quality of training in these groups can vary widely, with information sometimes being outdated or inaccurate. Since many of these groups are typically open to anyone, you might find yourself in a sea of conflicting advice, and toxic complaining, making it challenging to discern what’s actually useful.

Plus, most free training groups lack structure and personalized guidance, leaving you to navigate the complexities of the insurance industry alone. Without proper mentorship and support, you may struggle to develop the skills and confidence needed to succeed in a competitive field like life insurance sales.

Lastly, free groups will rarely offer comprehensive training on crucial topics like prospecting, sales techniques, or compliance, leaving gaps in your knowledge that could hinder your success.

What Makes The Jucebox Community Different?

What Makes The Jucebox Community Different?

Our founder, Jim Fisher, and the coaching agents inside Jucebox do things differently for two key reasons:

  1. They are active top producers who are generating millions in closed IULs and Annuities right now. That means they have their finger on the pulse of the market, your prospects and what needs to change.
  2. We offer guaranteed results for our clients. That creates a relationship and a commitment where both sides (us and our clients) are 100% dedicated to generating real income and more closed business.

So, with that in mind, let’s take a look at everything you get when you become a member of the Jucebox community:

Next-Level Networking

Next-Level Networking

You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

For insurance agents who want to become top 1% producers, this famous quote of Jim Rohn’s will stand out.

You can try going it alone, or surround yourself with coworkers who don’t understand your motivation, or hang out with friends who are living for the weekend – but those people are likely to drag you down to their level instead of helping you ascend to your goals…

That’s why we put a massive emphasis on creating a platform where our clients can interact with each other, become friends and build meaningful relationships.

The truth is, we don’t let everyone into our programs. If you want to become one of our clients and access everything we offer – there’s a strict application process.

We guard our community of insurance agents fiercely because we’re committed to creating an atmosphere where everyone is leveling up.

The clients inside our program have closed over $39 Million in business. They’re absolute rock stars and the real deal.

And every day, they’re cheering each other on, sharing lessons and insights from the trenches, feeding each other business opportunities and building relationships that last a lifetime.

Insights From Top Producers

Insights From Top Producers

Get Their Step-By-Step Roadmap For Success

Of course, you’re not only connecting with incredible peers who will spur you on, but you also get unprecedented access to top producers who have generated hundreds of millions in production.

These agents have raised their hands and said, “I want to do EVERYTHING I can to see your clients win!” And they deliver on that! 

From regular market updates to pivotal insights on how to position products to off-the-cuff training and so much more – these top-producing coaching agents will become your secret weapon for leveling up every aspect of your business.

They’ve already accomplished every goal you have, they’ve been in your shoes as a growing agent and now, they’ll give you the exact, step-by-step roadmap to achieve massive, life-changing success.

Done-For-You Case Design

Done-For-You Case Design

Let A Top Producer Design Your Cases For Accelerated Closing Success

If you’ve ever left a fact-finding call with a prospect scratching your head wondering “How the heck can I help this person?” Then you’re going to love this…

Once you’re in our program, we’ll arm you with our proprietary Forecaster tool that eliminates all the guesswork from convincing your prospect WHY they need YOUR retirement income solution.

This plug-and-play tool allows you to input all of your prospect’s numbers into one powerful algorithm that calculates and presents the exact gap between what their current retirement savings plan will earn them and what their dream retirement income is.

Once you’ve clearly presented this problem to your prospect, they’ll all but beg you to help them solve it!

This is where our Done-For-You Case Design comes in! You’ll have the opportunity to hop on a call with a multi-million dollar producer who will look at the numbers, review your notes and build a “blow-your-socks-off” case for your prospect!

Complete with what product would be right for their situation, how to position it and a live role-play experience so you can confidently deliver the pitch.

We leave NOTHING up to chance and ensure you’re prepared to close the deal!

Live Coaching Calls

Live Coaching Calls

Get Their Step-By-Step Roadmap For Success

You’re busy with life, family and growing your business, we get that, so we provide ample opportunities to connect and get your questions answered when you need it.

Every week, we hold six LIVE coaching calls where you can ask questions about the sticking points in your business, learn new sales strategies, get support with cases, develop your seller’s mindset, ask about products, get support with our systems and tech and so much more. 

We strive to overdeliver with the training modules, tools and sales systems we install in your business – but these weekly coaching calls are the cherry on top that guarantee you have all the ammo you need to hit new levels.

Product Education

Product Education

Cutting Through The Confusion

When new life agents enter the advanced markets, one of the biggest struggles they face is navigating the overwhelming amount of products, financial lingo and regulations.

It’s honestly a big reason why so many either don’t make it or sputter along for years on end with no meaningful growth.

We won’t let that happen to you. We’ve been selling these products for decades and know them inside and out. But more importantly, we know how to break the complexity down into easy-to-grasp explanations that set you and your clients up for greater success.

Join A Community
Who Won’t Settle For Less Than Seeing You Win!

Join A Community
Who Won’t Settle For Less Than Seeing You Win!

If you want to become a top-producing insurance agent who earns the commissions they deserve and enjoys the time freedom they’ve always dreamt of – then join a thriving community of agents who will push you towards your goals and equip you with world-class skills.

Our clients rave about the quality of the people and the insights inside. We hope you’ll book a call and give us a chance to show you what the Jucebox difference could do for your business.