
Insurance Sales Coaching

Close Bigger & Faster Cases With Coaching & Support From Top 1% Producers

Most Insurance Agents are left with two choices when it comes to closing more insurance leads and insurance cases…

1. They try to figure it all out on their own through trial and error, studying sales materials, reading books, listening to podcasts, watching YouTube or attending conferences.

Agents will choose this path because they don’t want to “waste money” on coaching, they don’t know who they can trust or they simply just want to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps. There’s certainly no shame in that, but in a moment, we’ll show you why this could be a fatal mistake to your sales career. But first, let’s talk about the second choice…

2. They get into someone’s downline with the high hopes of getting expert coaching and training from the agent above them. 

Unfortunately, this usually ends in massive disappointment when the insurance agent realizes that their Managing General Agent (upline) has little interest in actually investing in their success. The reality is, that for insurance agents, you are responsible for your own success at the end of the day. No one else can call leads for you. No one else can learn the products for you. And no one else can close deals for you. 

BUT (and this is a big but) you can get support and coaching from a team that will develop you into the best agent your industry has ever seen.

Think about it like this, how many elite athletes would have ever reached their full potential without coaching from a master? The answer is zero. Even the best and most gifted athlete needs someone to help them overcome their blindspots and equip them with the tools they need to succeed. 

Take Tom Brady for example. With his seven Super Bowl wins, you might have never known that he was the 199th pick in the 2000 NFL Draft. No one expected much from him. But with the guidance of coaches like Bill Belichick and Josh McDaniels, Brady defied every expectation to become THE G.O.A.T.

This is just one of many examples of what happens when you pair a relentless work ethic with world-class coaching. 

When you partner with Jucebox, we give you all the tools, training, marketing systems, sales scripts and tech you could need to become a top 1% producer. From our customized, done-for-you-lead generation to our powerful “objectionless close” sales process, and all the other proven features in our program, we’ve painstakingly designed every aspect to guarantee you close more business and increase your average case size.

But we don’t just stop there. Our mission is to over deliver for our clients, equipping you with everything needed to have more conversations with more qualified leads who will convert into more high-value commissions to enjoy more free time doing what matters most. That’s why we also become the Bill Belichick in your corner.

You see, we invest heavily into providing unmatched levels of coaching and support for our community. This is the linchpin that helps agents leverage the leads and tools that we provide and guarantees that they experience massive upward shifts in their business.

And when we say our coaching is “unmatched” – we really mean it! You won’t be getting on group calls just to be fed a bunch of generic, “one-size-fits-all” advice from a wet-behind-the-ears agent who took a course or two…

No. You’ll be getting one-on-one advice from agents who’ve produced hundreds of millions in IULs and Annuities. They’ll answer your direct and pressing questions about growing your specific business. They’ll help you design cases and prepare for presentations. They’ll give you the framework and scripts to overcome objections, they’ll equip you with the knowledge you need to pick the perfect retirement income product that your prospect will be desperate to buy.

We’ll dive into more of what that looks like in a moment, but first, here’s why we’re so passionate about seeing you succeed:

Saving The Insurance Industry

Saving The Insurance Industry

…from itself

Ok, that might sound a little dramatic. Maybe even a little arrogant? But let us explain…

If you ask around what people think of life insurance agents, you’ll probably not like what you hear. Almost everyone has a horror story about the friend who got licensed and turned every interaction into a sales pitch. Or what about the agent who sells “less-than-quality” plans that wind up backfiring when someone actually needs it? And of course, there is no shortage of podcasters and influencers who love to throw our industry as a whole out with the bath water.

Problems like these lead to real-life consequences for agents like you. No matter how pure-hearted and skilled you are. That’s why our mission is to help 1000 agents become top 10% producers by helping them make the shift from “life agent” to “Retirement Income Expert.”

You’ve probably heard the old saying, “A rising tide lifts all boats” – At Jucebox, our goal is to be that tide in two specific ways:


1. We’re helping to reclaim a good name for hard-working agents who truly want to help their customers win at life. We equip our clients to provide top-quality retirement income products usually reserved only for the extremely wealthy and then guide them on the right products to offer so their customers succeed and thrive in retirement. 


2. We’re cutting through the confusion, the noise and the self-serving competitiveness in the market. 90% of new agents fail in their first year because they don’t have access to the tools, training and community needed to thrive. We’re changing that by leveling the playing field and opening the opportunity for any agent to get direct mentorship from top 1% producers who’ve closed hundreds of millions in IULs and Annuities.


And best of all, we’re building a community of people who are committed to seeing the entire industry thrive. These folks are willing to help each other and support each other because we all know there’s plenty of opportunity for everyone. Especially as we raise the tide together.

As we further explain what you can expect from our coaching calls, office hours and support, remember it’s motivated by a determination to level up every aspect of your business so you can thrive and impact your customer’s lives for the better. 


World Class Coaching

Proven Sales Secrets From A $700 Million Producer

Imagine getting on a call with a life insurance prospect and having a top 1% producer sitting next to you telling you exactly what to say, when to say it, and how to say it so you can effortlessly move that prospect into a buying position…

Would that help you close more business? Of course, it would! That’s why, just like with every other aspect of our program, we’ve designed our sales coaching calls to be the most valuable time you could possibly spend growing your business.

Not only do you get access to our Agency Evolution Training and Virtual Selling Masterclass video series that breaks down all the strategies and tactics you need to become an elite virtual sales producer, but we also supercharge your success by offering you 6 LIVE weekly coaching calls where you get to flex the sales skills and tactics you’re learning with the help of one of the industry’s top producers! 

We can’t disclose his name publicly, but this agent is responsible for over $700 Million in production alone. And once you partner with us, he becomes your secret sales weapon. Each week on our insurance sales coaching calls, you’ll have the opportunity to:

Submit your sales calls for review and receive an expert breakdown of where you could improve to dramatically increase your close rate.

Receive advanced agent training, instruction, tips, tricks and insights from an agent who’s produced $700M in production. 

Get the inside scoop on industry trends and big things to watch for that our team of active Retirement Income Experts are keeping a pulse on.

Attend LIVE Q&A sessions where you can get immediate and actionable advice on how to increase your close rate, navigate objections, design cases, create compelling presentations, level up your seller mindset and so much more. 

No More “Case Planning Confusion”

No More “Case Planning Confusion”

Let A Top Producer Design Your Cases For Accelerated Closing Success

Have you ever left a fact-finding call with a prospect only to scratch your head wondering “How the heck can I help this person?” If we’re honest, every one of us has! That’s why it was our top priority to figure out a way to help our clients accelerate their success by working with them, one-on-one to design “WOW” worthy cases they could present to their prospects.

Once you’re in our program, you’ll be armed with our proprietary Forecaster tool that eliminates all the guesswork from convincing your prospect WHY they need YOUR retirement income solution. This plug-and-play tool allows you to input all of your prospect’s numbers into one powerful algorithm that calculates and presents the exact gap between what their current retirement savings plan will earn them and what their dream retirement income is.

Once you’ve clearly presented this problem to your prospect, they’ll all but beg you to help them solve for it! And that’s where your Case Planning Coaching comes in clutch! Take a look at the image below:

7:00 - Josh C.'s Case

  • Josh gives background on prospect. Main things his prospect is looking for are income & protection. Josh is thinking about an annuity play to help her move her Qualified Assets out of her USB accounts.

  • Matthew fact finds about the case and shares that he thinks they need to solve for RMD’s for the prospect.

    • Using the Rule of 110, he creates a plan to solve for RMD’s inside the RES-RET tab inside the forecaster

    • Matthew role plays the story of this solution with his prospect

What you’re seeing is a brief summary of one of our coaching calls. Our client Josh wanted help determining what product would be right for his prospect and how to get the funds moved. One of our active top producers and coaches helped Josh develop a case, role-played the exact way to deliver the pitch so nothing was left up to chance and ensured Josh was ready to close the deal! 

Now, this is just one of the thousands of examples we could share about how powerful our Case Planning Calls are for our clients. All you have to do to get the same help is join our program, Agent Shift, and log on when we go live.

Want to close more business and become a top producer with expert sales coaching and Case Planning Design?

Click the link below to get started! 

Even More Hyper Insurance
Sales Growth Trainings

Don’t miss these opportunities to close more business with expert advice


Another key benefit of working with Jucebox is gaining access to our in-house CRM (Customer Relationship Management).

The interface and software is a snap to use. But when you’re ready to take its functionality to the next level to follow up with leads, track opportunities, manage your pipeline, monitor conversions and automate your marketing – our team of tech wizzes is standing by to coach you through every step! 

Office Hours

Imagine walking into a $700 million annuity producer’s office and sitting down with him for an hour every week. 

Twice a week, you get that opportunity! But that’s not all. With Jucebox Office Hours, you also get to build intimate and beneficial relationships with other top producers on our team and connect with like-minded peers eager to see you grow.


Our clients won’t stop raving about their success using our proprietary Forecaster tool. Honestly, it could slingshot you into top producer status all by itself. Once you can predictably prove to your prospects exactly where the problem is with their retirement income strategy, they become desperate to hear the solution you have to offer! 

These weekly coaching sessions are your opportunity to become a forecasting ninja. 

Become A Top Producer
With Top Notch Insurance Coaching

Become A Top Producer With Top Notch Insurance Coaching

Grow your Insurance Business With Sustainable & Predictable Strategies From Top 1% Producers

If you want to become a top-producing insurance agent who earns the commissions they deserve and enjoys the time freedom they’ve  always dreamt of, you have to take success into your own hands.

But that doesn’t look like going it alone. It looks like partnering with a team that will point you in the right direction, equip you with proven sales, marketing and lead-generation tools and guarantee you hit the next level in your insurance sales career.

If you’re ready to take control of your earnings and future, reach out to our team to learn more about how Jucebox can help you realize those dreams.